Framework Participatory Initiatives
Research stage: Early stage of Ph.D. in artistic research
Category: Extended abstract
Through my curatorial and architectural practice, I will investigate how site-specific frameworks for architecture and site development can be used as a basis for open processes where sustainability, participation, and social inclusion are the guiding principles. For the last few years, I have worked with open processes, by setting up projects where uncertainty takes place within given frames. The uncertainty gives room for spontaneous involvement and initiative.
Through architectural interventions, art projects, and resident initiatives, I will develop a framework for sustainable architecture and development. The project will investigate how site-specific interventions can be catalysts for long-term processes in a place. Is it possible to use interventions as a basis for planning and at the same time retain the open process and the opportunities that it creates? How can the shared experiences created in the neighborhoods be transferred to other agencies in a way that secures the local commitment and perspectives that emerge from the projects?
Keywords: Self-build, community, collaboration, art & architecture, participation, placemaking