Gajda / Situated Technologies

Situated Technologies Design Experiments in Mapping Public Spaces

Authors: Weronika Gajda, KU Leuven; Corneel Cannaerts, KU Leuven

Supervisors: Nel Janssens, professor, KU Leuven; Corneel Cannaerts, KU Leuven; Liesbet Van der Perre, professor, KU Leuven; Maarten Vergauwenk, professor, KU Leuven

Research stage: Early stage PhD researcher

Category: Extended abstract

DDR Statement

The three case studies are in this early stage of the PhD focused on mapping several examples and instances of the technological layer that is increasingly impacting urban environments. Throughout these mapping several tools were used an tested, from well-known architectural media such as sketches and drawings, to more specialized techniques of data scraping, lidar scanning, photogrammetry… While these mappings are not actively intervening in or designing public spaces they clearly reveal a number of challenges that come with Design Driven Research that addresses the ubiquitous distribution of digital technologies within urban environments: from the difficulties in exchanging approaches and techniques between disciplines, over the availability of open data in the privatized sphere of online space, to ethical concerns of the use of remote sensing in public space. Act of designing highly contributes to creation of tools and strategies for revealing (in-)tangible connections between urban environment and technology layers.