Erckrath / Ambiguity of depths / lines / edges

Ambiguity of depths / lines / edges

Author: Charlotte Erckrath, Bergen School of Architecture, Norway

Category: Artefact


The origin of the architectural drawing resides in the application as a communication tool during constructions and it efficiently describes assemblies orientating within orthographic ideation and building processes. It is however interesting to ask what are the consequences of such design processes for the experiential qualities of the final design. While traditionally a set of different analog media was used to explore various aspects of the proposal, today most of design decisions are taken while employing software that allows extracting any type of projection drawings and perspectives from digital models. The consequences of the interface’s flatness for an embodied experience remain most often neglected. In the light of this development the focus is set on strengthening embodied knowledge within the design process. A review of historical stereometric and photogrammetric surveying tools is the basis for this design research project to provide findings supporting a critique on today’s drawing conventions.

Keywords: drawing tool, depth perception, stereoscopy, ambiguity, projection drawing, embodiment